Discovered Journal Entry from a Teacher

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Entry from a MR.X anonymous teacher found by Logan Gauthier

Journal Entry: Anonymous Teacher tells there side of the story

September 2nd ,2065

Another school year has arrived, I remember when I was excited to see all my students and talk to them about their summers. Ever since AI took over the classroom students have been so disengaged I feel as though im not necessary. Everytime i ask students about their hobbies I'm shocked if one involves leaving the house. I remember when people left the house on the daily! The GTA used to be such a wonderful place to live, now with natural resources like water and oxygen at an all time low it feels like it has pushed people away from each other. It doesn't help with deliveries and pretty much every other source for human interaction being done by AI drones now. I used to look forward to seeing the delivery people show up with that much anticipated package that was going to enhance your lesson in the coming weeks. Now there's no real reason for teachers to need deliveries and even if I do need something it's hard to talk to a drone. A Lot of people blame the AI for society's lack of community but the crisis of land shortages and water contamination it seems to find people blaming the government. I am so thankful for the parents who still send their children to school, without them my job would be terminated! I can't live off the daily allowance I need this job to survive!

Teacher says new AI reality is a nightmare

I'm scared to see the number of students I have this year. I feel like a failure every time a student stops showing up but I have to remind myself these are difficult times. Even A Lot of students who do show up are forced to be here by their parents. Getting them engaged is nearly impossible. You would think with the amount of time they spend with VR they would love some human interaction but they are so addicted it's scary. Some days I feel like giving up but I feel as though us teachers are the last chance at keeping humans from being completely isolated. I remember when this all first started coming around I was all for AI and VR, I thought it would clear up the TTC and give me more time to prepare for class and tend to the students' interpersonal needs. I was looking forward to an efficient classroom. I would have never guessed that it would come this far, teachers on the brink of extinction, I quiver even as I write about that terrifying reality.

Some parents have even been attacking teachers saying their kids are not gaining anything from the human teachers. I try to explain to them that students are like robots because a high percentage of their time is spent with robots. It seems like a simple idea but they will not help fight for more teachers rights. Instead they see us as the problem, when the government passed the bill for mandatory AI teaching i thought there would be an uproar but that was not the case. I understand that the world we live in today has many problems but I think we are going too far with all these new rules. The few parents who appreciate what teachers do are the only thing that keep me going. With that being said the parents who think teachers are a waste of time are growing by the day It seems like. Last school year a student stopped coming so I got in contact with the parents to see why. They yelled at me claiming the AI doctor said that the child was getting exposed to an extreme amount of unfiltered air. I remember when you could go outside for fresh air with no problems. Besides they can't prove that it was the air coming to school that was the problem. With issues like that being blamed on human teachers it's only a matter of time before all parents see it as too dangerous to go to school.

These journals have kept me sane but I fear this could be one of my last. If I lose my job these journals will just begin to torment me with the thought of the past. So for my last thoughts I want to say that when I graduated from teachers college I thought I was going to have a life full of giving back and shaping future communities but since then those dreams have faded into the ongoing nightmare I live now. I understand that we needed solutions for the ongoing pollution of the world but sacrificing human interaction was a huge price to pay.

Signing out Mr. X
