Corporate Shill

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Greetings, my name is Carter Shrine. I am the executive director of marketing at B0TCorp. If you've lived in a tent your entire life, B0TCorp is the leading brand in Artificial Intelligence service bots. These bots have completely changed the game in terms of services like cleaning, driving, cooking and child nurture. For the successful, busy corporate hustlers of Toronto, having a B0T is as common as owning a fridge. Let's be real for a second here, you and I both know my advertisements don't go unnoticed. Everywhere you turn there's a bright yellow electronic billboard for B0TCorp. For an annual fee of just $89,000, focus more on your career while a B0T takes care of everything else in your life. Need dinner ready when you get home? Can't drive because you have to finish responding to emails? Work doesn't have a children supervision zone? Let B0T do it for you.


What can I say, this is supposed to be a biography of myself and the first thing I do is advertise our product. Clearly I'm always on go mode. I built my career off of hard work and knowing the right people. My father was the director of marketing at B0TCorp, so you could say that the position was handed down to me, but I say I earned it.

These days, everything revolves around the corporate agenda. Statutory holidays like Christmas and Thanksgiving are a thing of the past and are replaced by worker appreciation days. Up in the sky-world, we indulge in champagne and caviar to celebrate the brilliant minds of the elite. In the underworld, the streets are a zoo. Riots rule the underworld on these days, and I don't quite understand why. We give them the day off work to go about their simple lives. I find those street dwellers so silly and uneducated. No wonder they are, the education they get is nowhere near the education our youth receive. We pride ourselves on giving our students the best business administration education, unlike the dwellers who teach their kids about hospitality. We don't need to worry about the hospitality/service industry, our B0Ts do it all for us!

A guy who looks and dresses like me cannot be seen in the underworld. They'll hunt me down so fast I'd be dinner at lunch time. Good thing I'll never have to go down there anyways. Our Sky-World is completely isolated from contact with the underworld. I enjoy unlimited access to all sky-road and sky-train services. Transportation in the sky is quite remarkable. The Sky-World has endless restaurant, shopping and entertainment options too. You really don't need anything else when you're up here! The only time that any type of contact with the underworld happens is when someone is born and on Worker Appreciation days. When a baby is born, B0TCorp delivers a brain chip to be planted inside their head. This chip gives every human in the underworld basic abilities like engaging in entertainment and making phone calls to friends. This chip isn’t advanced, in fact it has a lot of malware and bugs, which is perfect for controlling the dwellers, just another way to keep their brains stagnant and compliant in their pathetic little lives. Along with our chip being bug free, the elite up here enjoy many more benefits than just entertainment and phone calls, as you could lock your car and house, or even make reminders and reservations all from your elite chip. Of course, in the fine print of the contract it states that each person gives up their right for their actions and words to be fully tracked 24/7. Nobody ever reads the fine print though, especially not street dwellers. Worker appreciation day is the other time the elite cross with the dwellers. Holograms of B0TCorp’s leading investors and directors are sent down to the underworld to check in on the people below. We ask many questions and collect data on the dwellers’ thoughts and feelings about many different things. These are done to show that we care, but the real value is in the data we gain on the dwellers. The more information we have on them, the more control we can have over their future. Listen, you probably think that I'm a terrible, heartless money hungry person, but frankly, I couldn't care less. There’s winners and losers in life. I’m someone who believes in consistent growth and hard work, and if you think that what we do here at B0TCorp is wrong, you may be one of the losers in life.