Group 2: Digital Overtake

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In the year 2049, education has shifted to become de-streamed within all of Ontario, specifically becoming digital.

After the COVID-19 pandemic in 2019, the government realised that they could save so much more money by continuing to have education online. Therefore, the government decided to make learning solely online. However, due to parents protesting about no one being able to stay home from their work to look after their kids, the government decided to still keep school boards intact. Students would still come into the school building however be on their devices during their class period to attend their online classes. There would be teachers (and people hired and trusted by each board) to be present within the classrooms to supervise. By the year 2035, there would be one teacher for every subject of every grade level. The lessons would take place online so every student in Ontario could attend the same class. Every student would receive the same type of assessment and could use digital technologies. Grading would be done by AI in order to ensure equal and fair practice. There will still be staff within the building for administrative aid and maintenance but no teaching will be done by any of these staff within the building. Students have different class periods and schedules and go to different classrooms to attend each of their online classes. Post Secondary admissions would shift from only considering grades, to also including interviews with students in order to help select students who could demonstrate civic responsibility without the use of digital tools.

Educational Structure

School Cultural Structure

Government/Politics Structure

Links to Individual Narratives