Group 4

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Summary of Events

On the sixteenth day of the third month in the year two thousand and ninety nine, the University of Toronto experienced a terrorist attack at the St. George campus located at 27 King's College Circle. Former associate professor, Dr. Erwin Van der Wood began brainwashing his pupils during his introduction to capitalism and capitalist systems. For the entirety of the fall semester, the now disgraced Dr. Van der Wood took advantage of students who per government mandate arrived to each class having taken their dose of Novum, the attention maximizing drug, in order to create an army of mindless rebels to destroy this historic institution. Neurovance, which was developed by graduate students of the university was created to extend one's attention spans after decades of citizens slowly losing their ability to focus due to increased smartphone usage. Having initially been approved for students to use as a stimulant similar to typical ADHD medication, the provincial and federal government eventually mandated usage of Novum for all citizens of Canada.

Neurovance, Canada's brain enhancing drug

With anti-government, anti-capitalist, fascist ideals now unwilling implanted in the minds of over a thousand students across the three sections Dr. Van der Wood taught, terrorist propaganda began to spread amongst the student population. Overnight, the once idyllic and peaceful university campus became wrought with strife as student protests broke out and escalated into full blown warfare as Dr. Van der Wood's brainwashed students began attack professors, their peers, and miscellaneous staff members. This attack ended with the death of thirty and the destruction the historic Gerstein Science Information Centre.

Testimony and investigation into the matter revealed that the majority of the perpetrators attended Dr. Van der Wood's lectures. Upon inspection of his home and personal devices, a hard drive and several hand written journals were discovered which extensively detailed his plans for his students. Dr. Van der Wood's plans included inciting a riot at the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, overthrowing the idea of academia as a systemic institution, and destroying the Neurovance industry. According to his notes, Dr. Van der Wood sought to restore Canadian society to what he claims is their prime before the province wide ban of cellphones in school, in Ontario in the 2024 academic year. Allegedly, he is in possession of a handful of relics from the 1990s to the mid 2010s which were passed down to him from his grandfather. These relics and a deep disdain for the usage of Novum are what spurred his plan into action, fuelling him to pursue a masters and doctorate for the sole intent of brainwashing students so that they too "woke up" as he did.

Dr. Van der Wood is currently being held without bail in the 51st Division at 51 Parliament Street, Toronto, Ontario. A trial date has not been set yet as evidence continues to be collected and witness statements are taken. A quarter of his brainwashed students have vanished from the city without a trace and many of those who came in direct contact still have not been identified. At this time, the University of Toronto and police are working together to ensure all of Dr. Van der Wood's victims are treated to ensure a peaceful and safe community once again.

Aftereffects of Attack

Key Figures

Further Repercussions

Individual Narratives

Dr. Erwin Van der Wood