Group Z

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Our new world is set in the Toronto of 2034 - ten years into the future, but what feels like a lifetime away. The city has a familiar energy to today, with the iconic CN Tower still gracing the skyline, though there is a marked increase in the density of high-rise buildings spreading outward from the city centre. Familiar challenges of housing, transit, and climate persist, though incremental strides have been made to address them, including the locally-relevant completion of the long awaited Ontario subway line. The streets have seen a gradual decline in commuters - certainly by car - but by foot and bicycle as well, as Toronto adapts to a world where work, socializing, and education - in particular - have become increasingly remote and interconnected. New and more accessible technologies - like virtual reality - bridge the gap between physical and digital life, weaving the city into a networked hub where once distinct neighbourhood lines (a former Hallmark of the 6ix) have blurred and blended somewhat seamlessly with global communities.