Paul Poilievre
Exit from the Metaverse:
Meeting minutes:January 4th, 2151 at 9:01- 9:38 AM, Ottawa, ON
Present Members: Prime Minister of Canada (PM), Minister of Employment and Social Development (MoESD), Minister of Finance (MoF)
Absent Members: Minister of Environment (MoE)
Topic 1: Economic Update for 2050
MoF presents his findings on the economic implications of The Metaverse. The government is now in a 24 billion dollar surplus, a 10% increase from last year. The complete elimination of government spending on arts and culture that was introduced by PM during the transition to The Metaverse is contributed to ~5% decrease in spending. The reduced spending on social programs, disability benefits, and employment insurance further reduced spending. The temporary increase in spending needed to distribute and repair Metaverse masks was negligible.
Topic 2: Public messaging on exit from The Metaverse