Personal Journey of Dr Hermione Weasley written by Sinja Novosel

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Revision as of 09:13, 30 November 2022 by Gruzinsky (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<gallery> thumb|Dr Hermione Granger-Weasley; one of the key scientists who discovered Blood+ and a founding member of the GAT. </gallery> Below is a brief passage from the the memoir of Dr Hermione Granger-Weasley.This memoir was written by her daughters Dr Lyra Malfoy(nee Weasley) and Dr Ada Lovelace(nee Weasley) with support from her loving husband,Dr Ron Weasley.For those interested in purchasing the full text,the memoir will be appearing on the market...")
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Below is a brief passage from the the memoir of Dr Hermione Granger-Weasley.This memoir was written by her daughters Dr Lyra Malfoy(nee Weasley) and Dr Ada Lovelace(nee Weasley) with support from her loving husband,Dr Ron Weasley.For those interested in purchasing the full text,the memoir will be appearing on the market in 6 weeks,and is entitled,"The Life and Times of the Saviour of the World".Dr Hermione Granger-Weasley was one of the key scientists who discovered Blood+ and a founding member of the GAT.Dr Granger-Weasley believed in the importance of medical science and research as a tool to promote and save the world.Science can help save us all and ensures that when one of us prospers,we all prosper.One of the founding principles of the PLANTs world.Understandably,why Dr Granger-Weasley has played such an important part in our global history and why every year there is a massive celebration to honour her on her birthday.