Personal Journey of Dr Hermione Weasley written by Sinja Novosel

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Below is a brief passage from the the memoir of Dr Hermione Granger-Weasley.This memoir was written by her daughters Dr Lyra Malfoy(nee Weasley) and Dr Ada Lovelace(nee Weasley) with support from her loving husband,Dr Ron Weasley.For those interested in purchasing the full text, the memoir will be appearing on the market in 6 weeks, and is entitled,"The Life and Times of the Saviour of the World”.Prior to getting into the memoir, for those who are unaware, just some brief biographical background on Dr Hermione Granger-Weasley. Dr Granger-Weasley was one of the key scientists who discovered Blood+ and a founding member of the GAT.She believed in the importance of medical science and research as a tool to promote and save the world.Science can help save us all and ensures that when one of us prospers, we all prosper.One of the founding principles of the PLANTs world. Understandably, Dr Granger-Weasley has played such an important part in our global history, that the “Council of Elders” decided that every year there is a massive celebration to honour her on her birthday.The following is a passage from the introduction of the “The Life and Times of the Saviour of the World”.Experts expect it to be a best seller as the previous works written by Drs Malfoy and Lovelace were on the global best seller list for 6 months straight.Previous works concern their innovative research on cancer and the applications of machine learning algorithms to predict and treat paediatric neurological cancers.They were inspired by the hard work of their mother and chose to follow in her lead in medicine.

Looking at Dr Granger-Weasley, you would never believe what amazing discoveries she completed.She only stands at 5 feet 4 inches but she has helped to save us all.For this and many other reasons we honour her.She was instrumental in proposing and developing “Blood+”. “Blood+” has revolutionized the medical field.Prior to its creation, patients with blood borne diseases and organ transplant complications were dying.With the global organ shortage, any effective measures that can help to save patients lives were desperately needed. However, although many researchers tried, including attempting to perform xenotransplantations, the long term tissue damage and ethical concerns resulted in a more effective treatment option being required.As well as the ethical complications, there were legal malpractice suits that required a more economical as well as medical solution to be implemented.

Blood+ was created under the collaborations of Dr Rosalind Franklin and Dr Marie Curie.One of the research leaders on the team was Dr Hermione Granger-Weasley.One night, she had the brilliant idea to inject HIV positive mouse models with the synthetic blood model.This initial idea led to astounding results.Not only was HIV disease progression being drastically reduced, the viral counts were decline at never before seen rates.Further research found that if intervention of HIV+ women was done early enough in the pregnancy, resulting children would never develop HIV or be at risk for any complications during the birthing process.Blood+ saved many lives and its unprecedented current applications in oncology research can only be contributed to the brilliant innovative work done by Drs Franklin,Curie,Granger-Weasley and associated staff.

Note for privacy and governmental restrictions, as well as international copy rights, the exact mechanisms of Blood+ and its use in oncology therapies are restricted to citizens with “HUNTER” level research clearance.