Speculative Fictions and Educational Futures
The last few weeks we have worked with storytelling tools like ComicLife and video production media. This week we shift to a collaborative storytelling project using MediaWiki (the same basic coding platform as Wikipedia). There a lots of wikis out there, and you school board tech should be able to set you up (or even install one of these free systems on the server).
Our collective goal is to create a kind of storytelling ecology through interacting with potential ‘futures’ in education (inspired by major issues in the present) and building a repository of different stories and perspectives we can collectively learn with. These are the major questions at hand: As things are now, what might the future of education look like? How do our unique perspectives and positions impact the futures we imagine? Why is the work of looking forward and imagining possibility important for us, both in and beyond school contexts? You will be imaging the future of education via science fictional storytelling through the lens of one major issue in education. For bonus marks, Integrate at least one other medium (using video, comiclife, tour builder, audio work, or a tool of your choice) into your wiki page in some way to tell your story. Think beyond the surface and create something meaningful/of interest to you. Engage in listening practices by exploring the work of others within the production (exact parameters of authentic listening negotiated in class) and stories/perspectives beyond our class. Production 6
Science Fiction and Elements of World Building
Content (6 marks): Use science fictional world building techniques and processes of extrapolation (covered in class) to imagine the future of education in the form of a wiki page. To begin, you need to identify the larger, overarching problems facing education, schools, and youth today - and then consider a future condition or "state of affairs" in relation to these challenges or current problems - be them social/cultural, ecological, institutional (schools), pedagogical, and or technological. Consider the conditional term: "What if?" And consider both dystopian and utopian modes of storytelling to make a critical point about schools today, through looking (speculating) towards the future. Include a first- or third-person account of this ‘future’ (through the eyes of someone living in this imagined world) – What do you imagine it will feel like to learn in the future? How will it look (if current challenges and problems are not dealt with; if new "innovations" are invented or applied)? For example, will we learn alone, or in community? What will be the role of technology in learning, in relation to pedagogy? How will we learn? Include any research you did to inform your perspective, and be sure to give the general outline of the future you are imagining (Where is this imagined future taking place? When (how far into the future)? Whose learning are you focusing on?) (Ensure that this is a critical vision of the future that connects to current problems or opportunities today). Reflection/Process (2 marks): How was this future of education inspired by your observations in the present? What process did you go through to construct your future narrative? What challenges did you face in imagining the ‘future’ of education? Why is this kind of storytelling important? How does this connect to ideas we have been exploring in the course? Course ideas should be used to guide your thinking in some way. What sources did you go to as research to inform your perspective/future story? (Be sure to include a section in your wiki where you discuss what research you did/what informed your imagined future in education). (2 marks) Listening (2 marks): Who did you turn to/listen to in order to form your perspective on the ‘future’ of education? Did you revise your own work as a result of that listening or become inspired in some way by the work of others? If your listening involved moving outside of our class community, who did you listen to that informed your approach to this production? Consider how listening is discussed in our text for this week - how did you authentically engage with the stories and perspectives of others in order to inform your work in this production? (2 marks) Transmedia: How did you use new media tools to work through your ideas, or represent the future of education you are imagining? Be creative in how you integrate other tools to supplement your wiki/story. (Bonus 2 marks) Wikimedia Tutorials WikiMedia Video Tutorial (https://vimeo.com/356940515) (Courtesy of Dr. Kurt Thumlert) Tutorial is at the end of the video. Databending Reverse Engineer [cut and paste into your own page first]