Surviving as a Greaser - Ricky's Story
Helo Uncel Gary!
It is me Ricky. Today I am lurning how to read and rite with mom. She is teching me and tell me to rite u a leter. Yesturday Uncel Sam taut me how to bild. I use a hamer for the first time. But I cut my finger. Uncel Sam rapped my finger with a leaf to stop the bleeding. He sayed the leaf has gel that will help my cut. He sayed it is alo vera. I think tomorow I will lurn how to hunt. I want to bee a hunter just like papa. First I want to bee a astronot but mom tell that mik donolds will not let me becuz they no think Greasers r smart so i bee hunter. Papa some time bring home food for me and sister Sol. Mom taut me that Sol meens sun in spansh. She sayed that the sun help papa to no wat time it is so he no wen to come home. My mom and papa all ways tell me that natur is our gratest gift becuz it is all we have. They sayed we lurn a lot from natur. And they tell me that we have to take care of natur. One day i lurnt that we can breath becuz of the trees. We hav tree but on the other sid of the wall i no see tree. Do u know how Socs breath if they no have tree? They only have big gray bilding.
Any way, Papa brot home deer last week but we all most have no more left. I hop he bring mor deer soon becus we do not have a lot left and i am hungri. My mom make the best food. It is all ways yumy. She take long tho. She sayes it is becuz she no have the teknologi like she use to. She say that befor Toronto split, she hav stov and oven and micorway and tooster. I do not no what thos r. But now she use fire and wood.
O and gess wat!!!!!! Me and Johnny r prakticing for the Greaser Ofisal Resteling Turnamint! We want to fite nex month so that we can get a cloting vocher. I want a new jaket if I win. I want new jaket becuz last winter it was to cold and my jaket was not warm enof. It hav hol on the side and it dirty to. I got from cuzin Roy who got from his brother Paul who got from the skrap dumster becide the Socs wall. But now i want a new jaket and i want to be first to ware.
I also lik fiting wit my frends. But mom all ways tell me to be carful. I lik hid and seek to. I all ways find the best hiding spots becuz no one find me. Me and u shud play one day Uncel Gary. Me and Johnny and my oter frendz made a fort. We use box and stiks and leaf. We play basball to with stik and rock. We sing too Uncel Gary. But Johnny tell me I no good. It get me mad somtime but I beter at dancing. I will chaleng him to dance off at next Greaser campfir.
Campfir somtime is scare becuz every one talk abut the split. Every one sayed it no fare that mik donolds tink we no smart and that we no have microway. Every one sayed that Socs hav beter life then Greasers. Why? Why no we get good life? Every one sayed that becuz we are not wite. No fare. I want go in big gray bilding one day.
Bye Uncel Gary.
Luv Ricky.