Justen's story name
Professor Rüdiger Glaukos, is a 47-year-old high school teacher by day and a university professor by night. Teaching physics and calculus at Mahpiya Marte - a lower-income high school - while also teaching a class on electromagnetic quantum theory at night, at the University of the Elders - Toronto campus. Early in his twenties when the Council of Elders took charge, Glaukos. He offers a unique viewpoint on the Council of Elders because he works in both an affluent institution and an underfunded school. He believes that some dubious bargains are being made behind closed doors that maintain the lower class in poverty and the upper class in prosperity, but he doesn't know how such choices are made. Glaukos tends to his education, horticulture, and love of blueberry tea while he is single and without children. In his mind, Rüdiger Glaukos was a rebel, but he would never speak out against the Council of Elders for fear of what may follow. He writes in his private journal almost nightly about how he feels this new world is similar to how North Korea was.