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Wednesday, November 16th, 2022

Dr. Jefferys swanky downtown condo

Dear Diary,

I can’t believe that it has been a couple of years since I last wrote in my diary. I have been extremely busy to say the least. But I wanted to write down my thoughts and reflections because there has been so much going on and I need an outlet to vent. My job requires me to always be professional, and unfortunately, I have no one to share my inner thoughts with. So here it goes:

After years of dedication and hard work, I have been promoted to the top scientist position in the GTA. I have hundreds of scientists working under me in the secret research lab beneath the CN tower. But with great power comes great responsibility. I have the huge responsibility of trying to replicate the Alien Vaccine 1 (AV1). I am under a tremendous amount of stress and pressure. The entire world was wiped out in a matter of two weeks from the deadly virus in the 1970s. It’s surreal how something as small as a virus killed most humans and living things on Earth so incredibly fast. The only people who survived are the residents of the GTA who are depending on the vaccine to allow them to finally leave the GTA. The residents of most of the GTA are suffering, since they do not have adequate food, resources, and education to survive. The poor residents of most of the GTA are disadvantaged in comparison to the wealthy in zone 1. I want to be able to help everyone in the GTA, especially those outside zone 1.

It is fascinating to me how people in zone 1 who were closest to the alien crash site have superior intergenerational intelligence than the rest of the GTA. After years of intensive research, me and the hundreds of scientists working under me have understood the science behind this remarkable vaccine. Brain function is improved by increased neuronal connectivity in the prefrontal cortex. More specifically, one massive myelin sheath covers each axon, allowing for more electrical signals and incredibly fast electrical signal propagation. This discovery is mind-blowing!

As an experienced scientist, I highly encourage the study of STEM. STEM is an amazing field that is incredibly valuable today. Most importantly, STEM is necessary to solve the vaccine crisis. I can’t believe that the government is only allowing students from GTA zone 1 to study STEM. The government is depriving students from the rest of the GTA from learning STEM, and they are being taught other basic skills instead. However, I heard rumours that teachers from outside GTA zone 1 are secretly teaching students STEM. If that is true, I applaud those teachers for risking their lives and going against government orders to do what is right for the future generation.

It is time for me to get back to work on replicating the AV1 vaccine. I hope that the vaccine can be replicated quickly so that life can start to become more “normal” again. I take my job very seriously. Everyone is counting on me. Hundreds of scientists, the government, and all GTA residents are depending on me. I will work tirelessly until the job is done.

That is all for now. Hopefully the next time I write in my diary, I will have solved the vaccine crisis and successfully replicated AV1!

Dr. Liam Jeffreys